Wednesday, February 9, 2011 and

Based on monitoring of my Blog and Website since their recent redesigns, I believe some my readers may be a little confused. To wit, let me make the new structure clear in this post, which I will place in all locations where I’m regularly blogging.

I am currently writing three blogs.

Career Transition – this is my personal blog, and is hosted on Blogspot. The intention of the blog is to chronicle my personal journey from being a high level company executive to my final career destination (whatever that may be). A mid-career transition can be a hard one, and I’ve done quite a lot of research and soul-searching on the subject. My hope is some of the insights I offer will make the process less painful and disorienting for others.

About my Writing – on This is a journal on some of my thoughts about the writing process and how I am learning, growing and maturing as a writer of fiction. There are also occasional comments on current projects I am working on.

Corporate Politics- blog – also on This blog provides expert insights into the world of corporate politics. Several months ago, I wrote a lengthy article on the subject, and the blog is supportive of the concepts presented in the article. The blog was started specifically to support my first novel, LEVERAGE, which revolves around the dynamics of corporate politics and cover-ups.

I offer the following suggestions to readers.

If you like what you read, click on the Follow button. You can then set up the blog to forward posts to whatever reader you’re using (my personal preference is Google Reader – if you’re not using a blog reader now, check it out).

Post comments. Comments make the blog posts more interesting. Comments can be posted anonymously, and even if I can guess your identity, I won’t “out” you. I get a lot of private emails after a post that would often times work better as a comment.

If you are blogging yourself, or have your own website, I offer to exchange links. I feature several links on my website – under the heading Great Links. I pass and receive considerable traffic through these links. Send me an email at to let me know you’re interested.

Happy reading and thank you for your interest in my work.

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