Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Leverage - a novel

I finally figured out how to post my entire first novel, chapter by chapter, on Blogger! I'm quite excited about this feature, as it should allow me to easily share a copy of my work with friends or other interested readers.

Leverage is set up as a new blog. The URL is http://leverage-anovel.blogspot.com/, or you can get there by clicking on Leverage here.

Since I don't want to open the novel up to the entire world yet (Hey, I'm trying to sell the darned thing to a publisher), I've made access pretty restrictive. You will need to get on my "approved reader" list in order to view the blog. To do that, send me an email at tspears62@gmail.com saying that you'd like to see Leverage. I will put you on the approved list, and send back an email to you. From then on you should have free, and unencumbered access.

All I ask is -- if you have any comments or observations (or see any errors), please comment on those after the appropriate chapter. And please don't copy or otherwise remove any of the material without asking.

Happy reading.

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